Workplace discrimination and harassment refer to unjust or prejudicial treatment based on certain characteristics such as race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or other protected attributes. It is important to address these issues seriously, as they can have a negative impact on individuals and create a hostile work environme...
- May 31, 2023
- 8 min to read
Issue of Moonlighting under Indian Law Regime
Moonlighting is the practice of working multiple jobs or engaging in additional activities or services outside of one’s regular job, usually at night or on weekends. It is a common phenomenon in India, with an estimated 11% of the employed population moonlighting. The practice of moonlighting has been increasing in India in recent years, as people ...
- Apr 13, 2023
- 9 min to read
Major Labour Laws Amendment in India
The parliament of India enacted four labour law codes in 2019 and 2020: the Code on Social Security, 2020, the Code on Wages, 2019, the Industrial Relation Code, 2020, and the Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Code, 2020, to replace 29 labour laws. While the President of India has given approval to all of the codes, the government...
- Feb 20, 2023
- 11 min to read
Overview of the Employment Laws of India , Philippines & Thailand
India: Employment laws have historically been governed by contracts as well as numerous, disjointed laws, both at the centre and state levels. The Ministry of Labour and Employment (the "Ministry") introduced four bills in 2019 to combine 29 central laws related to labour laws in order to harmonize and consolidate the various legislations pertainin...
- Nov 17, 2022
- 12 min to read
Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, which shook the world, changes in employment patterns have become apparent. The flourishing sectors with dynamic work environments suffered from a lack of jobs and high prices during this period; however demand was minimal. As the economy continues to struggle in the wake of the pandemic, many people ar...
- Nov 3, 2022
- 7 min to read
India is referred to as a labour surplus country, where there are more workers than needed. This results from India's large population (over 1 billion) and its position as the second most populous nation in the world. On the contrary, in view of prevalent Child labor issue, the children also get work. When children can find work, adults can also. S...
- Nov 2, 2022
- 0 min to read
Defining Service Termination through the Lenses of Law
OVERVIEW: Due process violations or wrongful termination subject employers to a variety of legal and reputation issues. Therefore, employers should prepare contracts and human resource documentation to make sure that top management, HR staff, and employees are well informed of their rights and obligations. The Indian Constitution lists labour law ...
- Aug 23, 2022
- 7 min to read
Learning about New Labour Law Code
1. Most workers in the unorganized sector were unbeknownst to social security. For the first time, the welfare of both—the organized and unorganized sectors is a priority, and that too, through a uniform set of codes and not through a complex web of legislations. 2. 29 different labour law legislations have been compiled and revampe...
- Aug 10, 2022
- 2 min to read
Employee Handbook | Download Free Template
1. What is an Employee Handbook? An employee handbook is a document that contains all the information related to employment in the company. It is specifically designed for the employees so that they are well informed about their roles, responsibilities, pay structure, reporting authority, what will amount to misconduct and how the company is go...
- May 18, 2022
- 5 min to read
Contract Employment Agreement
BE ALERT BEFORE YOU SIGN UP YOUR EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT You finally get the job you desire after a lengthy recruiting procedure and can't wait to sign your offer letter and start working. While there is excitement at the prospect of starting a new job, there is also the overwhelming sensation of having to go through all of the paperwork before you ...
- Mar 17, 2022
- 5 min to read
Self Declaration Form | Download Free Template
1. What is a Self Declaration form? A self declaration form is a document by virtue of which any new joinee of the company is asked to provide basic and personal information to the company to be maintained in the database as made mandatory by the laws of the nation. The form in addition to the personal information also contains an undertaking fr...
- Feb 7, 2022
- 3 min to read
Employer and Employee Relation - Post Covid
COVID 19 HAS BEEN A DISASTER FOR OUR LIVES. It is a challenge for all the business entities. The employer - employee relationship has become a challenge to maintain. Employees as a grave result of this disaster are losing jobs, facing deduction in salaries and on the other hand the employers are struggling with restricted cash flows. All these pro...
- Jan 6, 2022
- 5 min to read
Employment of Foreign Nationals in India
The Indian government has recently expanded its attention to the expatriate population. As a result, several laws have been changed, resulting in greater obligations and more compliance requirements. Given this situation, the purpose of this update is to offer a better knowledge of the tax, immigration, social security, and other related regulation...
- Dec 2, 2021
- 3 min to read
#MentorHourLawyered on Employment Procedure in India with Adv. Devansh Gandhi
Watch Adv. Devansh Gandhi as he gives clear Picture about Employment Procedure in India(Appointment to Termination)
- Nov 23, 2021
- 0 min to read
Role of Trade Unions in India
The role of trade union in India had gained ground as a result of the advent of the role of trade union in industrial relations and capitalism. For more than fifty years, the Indian trade union movement has existed. It has progressed through several phases over time. There have been periods of dissatisfaction and painful struggle, as well as period...
- Nov 20, 2021
- 2 min to read
#AMALawyered on "Legal perspective and issuing an Appointment letter" with Adv. Devansh Gandhi
Lawyered presents the next clip in its Ask-Me-Anything series, in association with Adv. Devansh Gandhi Question: What is the legal perspective and importance of issuing an Appointment letter?
- Oct 6, 2021
- 1 min to read
Draft Social Security Code, 2020 in India By Ritika Modee
Some of the main countries in the world inbred the labour law system from the colonial period. In India, matters connected to labour are in the concurrent list. There were more than 40 central and around 100 state laws that ruled the employer-employee relationship. The labour ministry decided to integrate 44 labour laws into four codes: wages, indu...
- Sep 8, 2021
- 5 min to read
"Top Reasons Where Employee Can Sue Employer in India"
Everyone will experience a bad work environment at some point in their lives. This might be the result of workplace politics, mental stress, or a more serious breach of rights. In such instances, the frequently repeated suggestion is to search for another job because few people have the guts or means to take on their bosses and fight for their righ...
- Aug 18, 2021
- 5 min to read
Illegal termination of employee during Covid-19 #LegalArena with Manasi Pathak Verma
Watch our well read & eminent panel talk about this important issue on Illegal termination of employees during Covid-19 Ms. Manasi Pathak Verma, the founding partner of LegumRadix and Associates. Her adroitness is shown in her decade and over experience with corporate commercial law with reputed law firms and her erudite activities in WICCI Delhi H...
- Jul 23, 2021
- 2 min to read
Self-declaration Form for Business | Download Free Templates
{This is to provide information on: self declaration form for business, self declaration form for company, health and legal concern self declaration, company self declaration format, self declaration form for employee} 1. What is a Self-declaration Form? This self-declaration form on coronavirus is an attempt of the company to gain health informa...
- Apr 28, 2021
- 2 min to read
Assessment Report | Download Free Templates
1. What is an assessment report? Assessment reports are the kind of document that helps the company in determining their real standing position on a particular project. It provides the complete details of the areas in which the company money is deployed and how much revenue the company can expect in future. 2. Why is it important? It is on the ...
- Apr 28, 2021
- 2 min to read
Business partnership termination letter | Download Free Templates
1. What is a Business partnership termination letter? Partnership is a form of business in which two people agree to share the profits and losses of business while carrying on the business. There must be two partners to form the partnership. As the business formed , so it ended also . The partnership form of business can be ended through various m...
- Apr 28, 2021
- 2 min to read
Temporary Lay Off Letter | Download Free Templates
1. What is a Temporary Lay Off Letter ? Temporary lay off is the situation in which the company for the short duration of time terminates the working of few employees. Temporary layoffs usually happen during economic crises . In Temporary lay off the employees are not permanently discharged but only salary are not paid for time being. 2. Why is...
- Apr 28, 2021
- 2 min to read
Termination Letter | Download Free Templates
1. What is a Termination Letter ? A termination letter is an official letter given to the employee by the employer intimidating him about the termination of the services of the employee in the company. Termination letter officially discharges the employees from their duties towards the company from the date as mentioned in the letter. The letter ...
- Apr 28, 2021
- 2 min to read
Layoff Letter Due To Corona Virus | Download Free Template
1. What is a Lay Off Letter ? Lay off is the situation in which the company has to let go of its employee due to the economic crises that the company is facing. Laying off employees can be a very complicated situation for the company as the company who lays off is usually seen as weak and loses the reputation and trust of investors in the market....
- Apr 28, 2021
- 5 min to read
Agreement between employer and employee leaving for abroad | Download Free Template
What is an Agreement between Employer and Employee leaving for abroad? It is a kind of Employment agreement that determines the rights and duties of both employer and employee, where the employer has sponsored the employee for working abroad and the employee on the other hand has duties and responsibilities to fulfil. Why is it Important? It is im...
- Apr 13, 2021
- 5 min to read
Employer-Employee Insurance Agreement | Download Free Templates
What is an Employer-Employee Insurance Agreement? Employer-Employee insurance grants a unique possibility to the employer to compensate its employees and in return get advantages at the same time. This agreement benefits the company to lessen erosion and advances employee gratification. Why is it important? 1. It is a motivating part for an empl...
- Apr 13, 2021
- 5 min to read
New labour codes #MentorHours by Adv. Sanjiv Dagar
Since New labour codes received the president's assent in august 2019, everyone is curious to know about it and how it affects workers, employers and industry. Lawyered is pleased to announce its next session of #MentorHours [] on 'New labour codes' by Adv. Sanjiv Dagar who will explain the genesis of ...
- Apr 2, 2021
- 1 min to read
#MentorHours on 'Employment Law 101 for Start-ups' by Adv. Sanjiv Dagar for WeWork
Lawyered [] presents the next edition of #MentorHours [] on 'Employment Law 101 for Start-ups'. The webinar was conducted by Adv, Sanjiv Dagar [], Managing Counsel, Legajoist for th...
- Dec 23, 2020
- 1 min to read
#MentorHours by Lawyered on 'Hiring Your First Employee' by Advocate Ankita Paul
Lawyered [] presents the next edition of #MentorHours [] in collaboration with Supreme Incubator on 'Hiring Your First Employee: Basics to Know'. The webinar was conducted by Ms. Ankita Paul [], Senior Associate ...
- Sep 20, 2020
- 5 min to read
#MentorHours by Lawyered on 'Legal Transition for Corporates and their HR Policies'
Lawyered [] presents the next edition of #MentorHours [] on Legal Transition for Corporates and their HR Policies. The webinar was conducted by Mr. Neeraj Dubey [], Advocate and Partner - Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan...
- Aug 21, 2020
- 5 min to read
Perkins: Supreme Court Says No To Unilateral Appointments.
Author - Ramasamy Santhanakrishnan []People, having engaged in multiple activities, are often prone to the risk of disputes. Conflicts, in today’s commercial existence, are inevitable. The most conventional method of resolving these disputes is litigation before ...
- May 22, 2020
- 1 min to read
Has Indian Govt. issued Employment & Labour related advisory by Advocate Naman Saraswat #AMALawyered
Lawyered [../../../../../] presents Advocate Naman Saraswat [../../../../../lawyer-profile/naman-saraswat-414/], Maths Law Associates, in Ask-Me-Anything #AMALawyered [] series by Lawyered. Situation: Has the Indian Government issued any Employment & Labour related advisory? Lawyered [...
- May 15, 2020
- 5 min to read
Wage Code Bill 2020 | Meaning and Need
WAGE CODE BILL 2020 - MEANING AND REQUIREMENT WHAT IS A WAGE CODE BILL? It is an Act which consolidates four Labour Laws regarding wages and bonus payments to make the provisions for minimum wages and timely payments of the wages to the workers in India. New Wage Code Bill is the first code in the series of four codes on which the government i...
- May 11, 2020
- 5 min to read
Labour Law & Rules on Termination of Employee in India
LAWS GOVERNING TERMINATION OF EMPLOYEE & PRECAUTIONS INTRODUCTION When employers do not follow the proper procedure to terminate an employee then they are caught into a number of legal and reputational risks. Therefore, it is required for the company to create a contract and get it mutually agreed by both the employer and an employee before join...
- May 11, 2020
- 6 min to read
COVID-19: How Should An Employer Cope With It
Author - Ankita Paul (Principal Associate), Anindya Mazumdar (Partner) Firm - Singhania and Co LLP []The entire humanity is presently reeling under the onslaught of the Corona Virus [COVID-19]. It was declared as a 'Pandemic' by World Health Organization (WHO) on 11...
- May 8, 2020
- 2 min to read
Do employers have obligation to report sick employee suffering from COVID-19 #AMALawyered
Lawyered [../../../../../] presents Advocate Ramasamy Santhanakrishnan [../../../../../lawyer-profile/ramasamy-santhanakrishnan-2018/], Founder & Partner - Krishnan and Krishnan, Advocates and Consultants, in Ask-Me-Anything #AMALawyered [] series by Lawyered. Situation: Do employers have...
- May 8, 2020
- 5 min to read
Absences due to COVID cover under Family & Medical Leave Act by Advocate Praveen Kumar #AMALawyered
Lawyered [../../../../../] presents Advocate Praveen Kumar [../../../../../lawyer-profile/praveenkumar-1542/], in Ask-Me-Anything #AMALawyered [] series by Lawyered. Situation: Are absences due to the coronavirus covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) during this pandemic o...
- May 4, 2020
- 5 min to read
Specific relief issued by Government for causal, contractual workers during Covid-19? #AMALawyered
Lawyered [../../../../../] presents Advocate Praveen Kumar [../../../../../lawyer-profile/praveenkumar-1542/], in Ask-Me-Anything #AMALawyered [] series by Lawyered. Situation: Is there any specific relief issued by the Government in respect to the causal or contractual workers during thi...
- May 4, 2020
- 5 min to read
Indian Government issued Employment & Labour related advisory by Advocate Praveen Kumar #AMALawyered
Lawyered [../../../../../] presents Advocate Praveen Kumar [../../../../../lawyer-profile/praveenkumar-1542/], in Ask-Me-Anything #AMALawyered [] series by Lawyered. Situation: Has the Indian Government issued any Employment & Labour related advisory? Lawyered [] - ...
- May 4, 2020
- 5 min to read
Employment Law
Author - Gyanendra Mishra , Co-Founder & Senior Managing Partner , Atharva Legal LLP [] Is your Employment Contract safe under the Pandemic Situation ? Addressing the FAQs by employers and employees The world is currently under the cruel grip of Covid-19, which is now a global pandemic and alread...
- May 2, 2020
- 12 min to read
Company has asked the employees for WFH and have not paid them #AMALawyered Advocate Harshal Joshi
Lawyered [../../../../../] presents Advocate Harshal Joshi [../../../../../lawyer-profile/harshal-joshi-1074/], Founder - Joshi & Associates & CorpoCorpus, in Ask-Me-Anything #AMALawyered [] series by Lawyered. Situation: If a company is asking its employees to work from home during the C...
- May 1, 2020
- 5 min to read
Businesses are shut down due to coronavirus are employees paid? #AMALawyered Advocate Harshal Joshi
Lawyered [../../../../../] presents Advocate Harshal Joshi [../../../../../lawyer-profile/harshal-joshi-1074/], Founder - Joshi & Associates & CorpoCorpus, in Ask-Me-Anything #AMALawyered [] series by Lawyered. Situation: If businesses are shut down due to coronavirus, are employees paid?...
- May 1, 2020
- 5 min to read
Do employer instituted mass layoffs entitle workers to unemployment benefits? #AMALawyered
Lawyered [../../../../../] presents Advocate Harshal Joshi [../../../../../lawyer-profile/harshal-joshi-1074/], Founder - Joshi & Associates & CorpoCorpus, in Ask-Me-Anything #AMALawyered [] series by Lawyered. Situation: Do employer-instituted quarantines or temporary shutdowns or mass l...
- May 1, 2020
- 5 min to read
The Terminated Employees (Welfare) Bill, 2020
Author - Satwik Bapat [] “No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. Demoralization caused by vast unemployment is our greatest extravagance. Morally, it is the greatest menace to our social order.” What Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd Presi...
- Apr 29, 2020
- 12 min to read
Minimum Wages in Karnataka | Act & Notification
MINIMUM WAGES ACT: KARNATAKA HC UPHOLDS WAGE REVISION BY GOVERNMENT Author - Dr Gubbi. S. Subba Rao, Counselor & Advocate Vide judgment dated 13.04.2020 the Division Bench of Karnataka High Court upheld the validity of Minimum Wages Notifications by confirming the order of Single Judge on major issues with very little exceptions. OPERATIVE PO...
- Apr 16, 2020
- 1 min to read
Rights And Obligations Of Employers & Employees During COVID-19
Author - Gunjan Chhabra, Partner, Adwitya Legal LLP The CoronaVirus Infectious Disease, or COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic and Epidemic by several countries all over the globe. It is still growing and at present seems to be having a long-lasting and deep effect on global economies. In such a scenario, various Organizations, Employers, workme...
- Apr 15, 2020
- 20 min to read
Supreme Court Judgement On EPF Pension 2020 | Lawyered
SUPREME COURT ON EPF PENSION 2020 The Supreme Court in the Employees Provident Fund Organisation & Anr. vs. Sunil Kumar B & Ors. S.L.P (Civil) No.9610/2019 ("Judgement") has dismissed the Special Leave Petition (SLP) filed by Employees Provident Fund Organisation (“EPFO”) against a Kerala High Court judgment on EPF pension in P. Sasikumar & Ors. v...
- Mar 12, 2020
- 4 min to read
Employment and Labour Laws For Women in India
EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR LAWS FOR WOMEN IN INDIA Author - Rashi Suri Employment and Labour laws for Women []Nowadays women are working in almost all the sectors and industries in the field. This could be possible due to the various regulations and laws have been...
- Feb 27, 2020
- 18 min to read
Post Employment Restrictive Covenants- How Much Enforceable?
Author - EquiCorp Associates [] The legislations governing several aspects of the employer-employee relationship are so complicated and ambiguous, that they yield in litigation rather than to provide a clear way out. Moreover, non-disclosure and non-solicitation have not yet been add...
- Feb 6, 2020
- 15 min to read
New Wage Code: Simpler Or Wider
Author - Archana Balasubramanian The New Wage Code has been one of the hot topics for a few months. Seeing the curiosity, and people seeking as much demystification as possible, about the topic, we have tried to simpliciter provide a map to decipher the New Wage Code and our thoughts are distilled into this Code of Wages – ALA Outlook. « Continu...
- Jan 10, 2020
- 10 min to read
Women Permitted To Work At Night In Factories (Karnataka)
Author - Archana Balasubramanian Women are raising from their traditional domestic duties and becoming the backbone of the economy. They have upgraded themselves from traditional homemaker to social and business solutions. Gender parity in the workforce has been a longstanding demand and the Government of India has finally approved an amendment in...
- Jan 10, 2020
- 15 min to read
Indian Employment Law Update: Overview on 2017 and 2018 and The Lineup for 2019
Author: Advocate Aubert Sebastian The article will briefly discuss the overview on the employment law developments which took place in 2017 and 2018, and shall focus on the major employment law reforms lined up for 2019. INDIAN EMPLOYMENT LAW OVERVIEW ON 2017 Amongst the most significant labor reforms that took place in 2017 were: * Maternity...
- Dec 21, 2019
- 18 min to read
Child Labour: Child Abuse With No Excuse
Author - Associate Zarmeen Jahan Child Labour alludes to the misuse of youngsters through any type of work that denies offspring of their youth, meddles with their capacity to go to a normal school and is rationally, physically, socially or ethically hurtful. Such abuse is restricted by enactment around the world, even though these laws don't cons...
- Dec 7, 2019
- 18 min to read
Women in Business Summit on 30th November 2019
Our Premium Member Advocate Abha Kashyap [../../../../../lawyer-profile/abhakashyap-1199/], Founder, and Managing Partner at Kashyap Partners and Associates was invited as a Panel Speaker at Women in Business Summit 2019. Lawyered was proud to collaborate with Easy To Pitch as their Legal Partner. The event was witnessed by 200 Entrepreneurs & 1...
- Dec 6, 2019
- 5 min to read
Social Security
Author - Associate Nupur Mehrotra INTRODUCTION Textile Industries has lots of importance in our country. It contributes about 14 per cent to industrial productions, four per cent GDP and 27 per cent to the country’s foreign exchange inflow. It also provides direct employment to over 45 million people. The readymade manufacturing sector is Bangal...
- Nov 6, 2019
- 15 min to read
Safe Workplaces
Author - Associate Zarmeen Jahan A protected workplace is a gainful one. Regardless of the size or sort of the business, a methodology for security in the work environment is a need for all staff. Security measures ensure workers just as hardware and business property. Staying away from or limiting wounds and harm to gear and offices will bring ab...
- Nov 2, 2019
- 17 min to read
All you need to know about Employee Stock Ownership Plan
Author - Associate Kantika Mukherjee An ESOP (Employee stock ownership plan) refers towards an employee benefit plan which provides employees with an ownership interest in the corporation. Employee stock ownership plans can be issued as direct stock, profit-sharing plans or bonuses, and the employer has the discretion in determining who would avai...
- Oct 4, 2019
- 20 min to read
Evolution of Labour Law & Industrial Legislation in India
EVOLUTION OF LABOUR LAW & INDUSTRIAL LEGISLATION IN INDIA AUTHOR - ASSOCIATE NUPUR MEHROTRA Discussion of Indian labour law and industrial relations is commonly divided into separate time periods, reflective vital stages within the evolution of the Indian state moreover as stages of economic development and policy Labour laws are also called em...
- Oct 2, 2019
- 5 min to read
Special Allowance
Author - Associate Shereen Abdin In recent times, so many discussions have happened on Special allowance being part of PF calculation. Earlier, the companies were deducting PF only on basic salary, dearness allowance and retaining allowance. But the Supreme Court of India after participating in the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner West Bengal ...
- Sep 27, 2019
- 10 min to read
Employment And Labour Laws For Women
Author - Associate Shereen Abdin In the current era, women have grown equal to men and gone are those days when women were limited within four walls. Women empowerment is increasing nowadays. Women are now contributing as the major workforce in India, and it is imperative to safeguard women at the workplace. Working women are increasing in the agr...
- Sep 27, 2019
- 9 min to read
Indian Employment Law Update: Overview on 2017 and 2018 and The Lineup for 2019 by Advocate Kanchan Khatana
Author - Advocate Kanchan Khatana and Associate Kantika Mukherjee The article will briefly discuss the overview on the employment law developments which took place in 2017 and 2018, and shall focus on the major employment law reforms lined up for 2019. Indian employment law overview on 2017 Amongst the most significant labor reforms that took pl...
- Aug 13, 2019
- 20 min to read
Labour Law Compliance Rules in India | Lawyered
LABOUR LAW COMPLIANCE RULES IN INDIA Author - Associate Kantika Mukherjee India has seen a huge development of business and economic growth in recent times. Labour Law compliance in India is basically a set of terms or conditions of employment. For carrying out business, corporations are required to meet statutory compliance requirements. There a...
- Aug 8, 2019
- 5 min to read
The Role of Judiciary-Protection For Working Women
The Role of Judiciary-Protection for Working Women “The guarantee of equal protection cannot mean one thing when applied to one individual and something else when applied to a person of another color. If both are not accorded the same protection, then it is not equal.” – Lewis F. Powell, Jr. There are various institutions involving the field rela...
- Jul 24, 2019
- 20 min to read
PF - Special Allowance - VIEWS By Dr. Gubbi S Subba Rao
Analysis of Supreme Court Judgment dt 28-02-2019 on Allowances to be part of PF: The Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, West Bengal v/s Vivekananda VidyaMandir and others, Civil Appeal No. 6221, 3965-3966/2013 Is Special Allowance Basic wage- Does the judgment of the Supreme Court constitute a Precedent? A lot of turbulence is created amon...
- Jul 23, 2019
- 20 min to read
#AMA- Ask Me Anything On Employment Laws By Advocate Ashima Puri
Good afternoon everybody this is Advocate Ashima Puri. I have been practicing for more than eleven years and my core fields involve civil, corporate and employment laws and today I will be dealing with a few questions involving employment laws. Ques 1. What is the Difference between independent contractor and an employee? Employees are paid ...
- Jun 19, 2019
- 15 min to read
Labor Laws: What's New?
Author : Associate Megha Motwani Labor legislation or the labor law or the employment law is a body of laws, precedents and administrative rulings that address the legal rights of workers and restrictions on working people and the organizations. The term labor legislation is used to cover all the laws which have or enacted to deal with the empl...
- Jun 15, 2019
- 15 min to read
Labour Laws In India: Need For Reformation by Advocate Karthik Raghavan
Author - Advocate Karthik Raghavan and Associate Nupur Mehrotra It has always been a challenge for developing countries to bring about development in the nation by providing the underprivileged with employment opportunities and improving their standard of living. India's labour laws are archaic and suffer from rigidities thereby holding back econ...
- May 20, 2019
- 20 min to read
Tips On How To Fire An Employee Gracefully
Author - Runa Jasia Terminating an employee is not that easy. Before terminating an employee, the company needs to process it. Termination meetings are challenging, but here is how employers can handle them fairly and legally. There's nothing fun about the process of firing [../../../../../../legal-disrupt/articles/guide-firing-bad-employee/]: whe...
- Apr 30, 2019
- 10 min to read
Termination Of Employment: The Legal And Illegal Grounds Of Dismissal - by Advocate Kanchan Khatana
TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT: THE LEGAL AND ILLEGAL GROUNDS OF DISMISSAL Author: Advocate Kanchan Khatana and Associate Shreya Negandhi An outburst of knowledge and technology in the eon of globalization has led to the augmentation of commercial and corporate markets. The elevation of investment by foreign companies in the Indian sector and the adve...
- Apr 27, 2019
- 15 min to read
Make Sure You Ask These Five Questions to Your Employer Before Joining a Company
Author: Associate Runa Jasia Getting a job after a lot of rounds of interviews could be the best feeling for the selected candidate. Obviously, after defeating the rest of the candidates, they got selected for that job role. It could be their dream job or dream company. But in the excitement of getting a new job, one should not forget about signin...
- Apr 24, 2019
- 10 min to read
5 Labour Laws Every Employee Should Know
Author: Associate Debasmita Patra The changing economic standards of the nation owe a significant part to the increase in the employment sector, wherein initiatives like the ‘Startup India' and 'Make In India,' etc. are creating and providing myriad opportunities for that purpose. Having been employed, irrespective of where and to whom, it is esse...
- Apr 23, 2019
- 15 min to read
Author: Associate Debasmita Patra Service Tax is a tax imposed by the central government of India on service providers on various service transactions; however, ultimately it is borne by the customers. The concept of service tax was brought into existence in 1994 by the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, terming such tax as an indirect tax levied...
- Apr 8, 2019
- 15 min to read
Highlighting Income Support Scheme for Farmers Under Budget 2019
Highlighting Income Support Scheme for Farmers Under Budget 2019 "There is a need for providing structured income support to poor landholding farmer families in the country," said Goyal, while announcing the scheme. This interim budget unwrapped wonders for middle class families and farmers by exempting them from major tax slabs. Post the announce...
- Mar 5, 2019
- 4 min to read
Corporate Employees and Labour laws by Advocate Aarti Bhalla
Author - Advocate Aarti Bhalla and Associate Bhavana India places high importance to the protection of its workforce from various external factors, and this is reflected in the comprehensive labour laws and their continuous reform in order to suit the emerging needs of employees in the contemporary world. Increased maternity benefits, increased in...
- Jan 23, 2019
- 15 min to read
Essentials of a contract of employment from the perspective of an employer
Essentials of a contract of employment from the perspective of an employer A contract of employment is a type of contract, which determines the rights, and liabilities of an employee, it therefore creates a legal obligation. These rights and liabilities are vital towards a harmonious employer-employee relationship. Employees are conferred a right...
- Dec 24, 2018
- 12 min to read
How an Employee can sue an Employer in India | File a Case
HOW CAN AN EMPLOYEE SUE AN EMPLOYER IN INDIA ? INTRODUCTION: Under the employer-employee relationship, it is the employer who is in a superior position. Many times, this superior position is exploited and the employees are subject to discrimination, verbal abuse and even they are not paid with their hard-earned wages. On the grounds of such unpa...
- Oct 14, 2018
- 5 min to read
Important Highlights of Maternity Benefit Amendment ACT, 2017
IMPORTANT HIGHLIGHTS OF MATERNITY BENEFIT AMENDMENT ACT, 2017 Author: Ashima Puri & Associate: Surbhi Sawaria ABSTRACT The Act regulates the women employment for certain period pre and post the child-birth. The object of the act was to provide full and healthy maintenance of women and her child by safeguarding the dignity of motherhood. The Act...
- Jul 26, 2018
- 20 min to read
Flipkart ex-COO Slaps Legal Notice over 'Unlawful Termination'
Online marketplace Flipkart, which is currently locked in a bid to acquire Snapdeal, has been slapped with a legal notice by its former chief operating officer Nitin Seth over an alleged 'wrongful dismissal'. The legal notice may impact the e-commerce company which is planning to hire talent at top positions to brace up for a fight with Amazon. S...
- Jul 14, 2017
- 2 min to read
The Guide To Firing A Bad Employee
Firing an employee- telling someone that they no longer have a source of income--is one of the toughest things an employer can come across, and definitely the saddest. The decision might not be that formidable, but breaking the news surely is. And yet it still needs to be done, especially if you have someone who's "poisoning the well" and bringing ...
- Apr 4, 2017
- 5 min to read
Labour Laws in India: All Proposed Reforms & Amendments
THE CURRENT SCENARIO Below are some features of the present labor laws: * According to the Factories Act of 1948, normal working hours for adults are 9 hours per day amounting to 48 hours per week. Further, the working hours for young workers are 4.5 hours per day. * In case of paid vacation, the Act lays down that any worker who has work...
- Sep 16, 2016
- 6 min to read
Grofers gets into legal trouble over revoking job offers of 67 students
Following suit after many other prominent startups incurring loses lately, Gurugram-based online grocery delivery startup, Grofers decided to revoke the job offers of 67 students. Riled at having their dreams broken, these students refused to let things slide and filed a case against the online grocery delivery portal. Here’s the entire story. De...
- Aug 2, 2016
- 4 min to read
- Motor Vehicle Act
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