“Convertible Notes” are those instruments which are issued by a startup company acknowledging the receipt of funds (Minimum of Rs.25 Lakh to be invested in one trench by one investor) initially as debt, repayable at the holder's option, or convertible into the specified number of equity shares of that company, within a time frame not exceeding f...
- Jan 11, 2023
- 9 min to read
Purview of NFT in India
WHY ISN'T INDIA BUYING NFT’S YET ? In the Indian NFT market, there is a significant supply and demand disparity. There Are many NFT makers in this town, but there are few. Both parties have differing perspectives on the NFT prospects in India. Indian NFT developers have relocated to become NFT collectors and merchants, which is interesting. Becau...
- Mar 22, 2022
- 5 min to read
What are Hedge Funds?
A hedge fund is a type of investment product that is typically formed by pooling investments from multiple investors. They are private investment funds that generate high returns by investing in non-traditional assets. In India, the classification is Alternative Investment Funds (AIF). According to Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI), ‘He...
- Mar 11, 2022
- 11 min to read
Angel Investors From UK & USA
ANGEL INVESTORS FROM UK & USA Angel investors are usually individuals with high net worth who invest in startups or independent entrepreneurs in order to provide financial backing to them. This is prima facie done in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt. These angel investors most of the time invest in these startups when they are at ...
- Jun 13, 2021
- 5 min to read
How Can Singapore Residents/Angel Investors Invest in Indian Startups?
HOW CAN SINGAPORE RESIDENTS/ANGEL INVESTORS INVEST IN INDIAN STARTUPS? Angel investors are usually individuals with high net worth who invest in startups or independent entrepreneurs in order to provide financial backing to them. This is prima facie done in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt. These angel investors most of the time i...
- Jun 11, 2021
- 8 min to read
"FDI In India" By Sangeetha Narayanaswamy
The economy of India is the third biggest within the world as measured by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US $3.611 trillion. When measured in USD exchange-rate terms, it is the tenth biggest within the world, with a GDP of US $800.8 billion (2006). India is the moment's fastest developing major economy within ...
- Dec 2, 2020
- 5 min to read
#QuoteUnquote on RBI's circular providing permission to foreign law firms to open branch offices in India by Mr. Madhavan Srivatsan
Lawyered [] presents the next video in its brand new video series: #QuoteUnquote. See Mr. Madhavan Srivatsan [] discuss the recent RBI circular prohibiting AD banks from providing permission to foreign law firms to open branch offices in India. [
- Nov 26, 2020
- 1 min to read
#MentorHours by Lawyered on "Foreign Direct Investment Regulations in India".
Lawyered [] presents the next edition of #MentorHours [] on 'Foreign Direct Investment Regulations in India' The webinar was conducted by Advocate Shikhar Garg [], Managing Partne...
- Nov 4, 2020
- 5 min to read
#MentorHours by Lawyered on 'How foreign investment is affected due to COVID19 & Legal Perspective'
Lawyered [] presents the next edition of #MentorHours [] on 'How foreign investment is affected due to COVID19 & Legal Perspective'. The webinar was conducted by Advocate Anupam Prasad [], Partner - AP Law Chambers...
- Jul 21, 2020
- 5 min to read
Why IP strategy determines the success of your Startup By Nishant Nigam
Startups are often able to displace incumbents in a market where the incumbents have the upper hand in critical aspects such as experience, visibility, existing market share, stable consumer base. Startups are able to do so as they have skill in identifying gaps in existing models and find a more convenient or innovative means to give the people wh...
- Jun 26, 2020
- 8 min to read
Clampdown on Foreign Investments to safeguard Indian Companies By Ravi Mehta amid COVID-19 pandemic
With the opportunistic takeover of indigenous companies by their Chinese counterparts becoming a reality due to the prevailing coronavirus pandemic, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, in a bid to protect Indian companies have amended the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy, 2017 and made it mandatory for a state that shares land borders with...
- Jun 23, 2020
- 7 min to read
From China to Chennai By Vinod Surana
Author - Dr. Vinod Surana []With companies wanting to move supply chains from China to other countries, will India be one of them? Will Chennai, India’s automobile, healthcare, ITeS, & Pharma capital be the front runner? “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times; …” ...
- Jun 16, 2020
- 1 min to read
The FDI Policy Amendment and its Repercussions with Special Reference To China
Author - Anindya Mazumdar (Partner) Firm - Singhania and Co LLP []The world is on a halt and the majority of it functions through Work from Home. a concept that is not alien to any of us anymore. While technology has made it possible for almost every domain to work ...
- May 2, 2020
- 1 min to read
INDIA - A Destination for Foreign Investment
Author - Saurabh Upadhyay [../../../../../../lawyer-profile/saurabh-upadhyay-1804/] and Hardikaa []India didn't have favouring experience with Britishers thus it held liberalization towards foreign investment as a mere thought till 1980-91. The sense of distrust within dignitaries ...
- Feb 2, 2020
- 20 min to read
Indian company partnering with a Foreign Company — This is how you do it!! By Advocate Harshavardhan Abburi
Author : Harshavardhan Abburi The FDI inflow in India has risen up in the last few years. Thus it could be concluded that foreign companies are inclined to invest in India because of the presence of abundance of resources, labor at relatively lower remuneration and special investment benefits likes tax exemptions, etc. << Read More >> [https...
- Nov 30, 2019
- 5 min to read
Joint Ventures With Foreign Companies
Author - Associate Kantika Mukherjee A Joint Venture is a way of putting together or combining the resources and expertise of two companies that are otherwise unrelated. A foreign company as defined in Section 2(42) of the Companies Act 1956, is any company or body corporate incorporated outside India which: * Has a place of business in India, w...
- Nov 18, 2019
- 18 min to read
Ease Of Entry Into India For Foreign Companies And Our Role In Facilitating It
Author - Associate Shereen Abdin A physical presence in India is fundamental to break into the nation's creating business segment. Be that as it may, beginning the correct sort of essence can have any kind of effect among progress and squandered endeavours. Remote organizations, before entering the Indian market ought to consider the primary conce...
- Nov 2, 2019
- 18 min to read
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) In India
Author - Associate Shereen Abdin On 28 August 2019, the Union Cabinet affirmed the proposed changes in foreign direct investment (FDI) standards in four parts. Specifically, coal mining, digital media, single-brand retail exchanging (SBRT) and contract to produce. The endorsed changes in the FDI approach are kind of a vision to make India an allur...
- Sep 26, 2019
- 25 min to read
In What Capacity Can a Remote Organization Get to Indian Protections Market to Raise Reserves?
Author - Associate Shereen Abdin An outside organization ambitious of getting to Indian protections advertise to raise assets isn't allowed to legitimately list its value shares on an Indian stock trade and can just issue Indian Depository Receipts (IDRs). IDR is a rupee named debatable money related instrument which can be recorded and traded on ...
- Jul 24, 2019
- 25 min to read
Objectivity of the Foreign Trade Policy
Author - Associate Megha Motwani The policy India’s Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) is formulated for five years at a time and reviewed annually. The focus of the FTP is on to provide a framework for rules and procedures for exports and imports and a set of incentives for promoting exports. The FTP for 2015-2020 endeavors to achieve the objectives giv...
- Jun 7, 2019
- 20 min to read
What Is The Process For Receiving Foreign Direct Investment?
Author - Associate Runa Jasia A foreign direct investment (FDI) is a form of investment by way of controlling ownership in a business in one nation by an entity based in another. It is thus different from a foreign portfolio investment by the notion of direct control. The origin of the investment does not impact the definition. As an FDI, the inv...
- May 28, 2019
- 25 min to read
Revised FDI policy on e-commerce: Ensuring Fair Play?
REVISED FDI POLICY ON E-COMMERCE: ENSURING FAIR PLAY? Authors: Madhavan Srivatsan [] / Tuhin Batra Law Office of Madhavan Srivatsan “It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive.” ― Earl Warren The recently revised FDI policy on e-commerce as introduced by the Gov...
- Mar 15, 2019
- 20 min to read
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