8 Weird Laws in India | Unjust & Unfair Laws

8 Weird and Funny Laws in India
8 Funny and Weird Laws in India
The Indian Constitution, being the longest written constitution in the world, is plagued by many loopholes. There are weird laws in India(Indian Laws and Rules). While some of these interesting laws in India allow you to stroll through a 5-star hotel, have a glass of water, and use their washroom facilities free of cost, there are many downsides to the same. The constitution is full of faulty and unjust Indian Laws and Rules , unfair laws in India that are absolutely ridiculous and need to be amended this instant. Read below these absolutely weird laws in India across.
8 Interesting and Weird laws in India that will make you go WTF!
Attempted suicide illegal, not if successful- section 309 of the indian penal code makes sure that you are punished if you don’t do suicide right.
‘Many’ laws for drinking- the legal drinking age varies from state to state.
One needs good teeth to become a motor vehicle inspector in andhra pradesh.
The unlucky lottery- chancing upon unclaimed money, amounting to more than rs. 11, and failing to report the same to the local authority might result in prosecution.
The flying permit- the indian aircraft act of 1934 considers a kite also to be an aircraft, thus making it necessary to get a permit to fly one.
Ignoring mass action against locusts which demands all residents of Delhi to answer to the beat of a drum, might get you fined.
Kapil Sibal’s censorship act- all offensive and provocative images from social media sites were banned to curb rape.
Indian telegraph act, 1885- with the advent of the internet and social media, the use of telegraph and thus, this act has been rendered moot.
The weird Indian laws(Indian Laws and Rules) are discussed below in detail:
Attempted suicide illegal, not if successful
In a blatant undermining of the basic ideals of democracy, Section 309 of the Penal Code makes sure you are punished if you don’t do suicide right. The law states that a successful suicide is legal, but failure to succeed might land you in jail. This is based on the notion that if the person dies, the matter dies with him/her. But, should they survive, they stand answerable and punishable for their action.
This is definitely proving one of the most weird laws in India(Indian Laws and Rules) in the Indian Constitution.
India’s ‘many’ laws around drinking
The legal drinking age laws are one of the stupidest and most ridiculed laws in India as the age varies from state to state. While the legal age for drinking is 18 in places like Goa, Himachal Pradesh, UP, Sikkim and Puducherry, it is 25 in Maharashtra. Moreover, some states are absolute dry states with a ban on drinking for all ages. Another wacky Indian law and rule around drinking is that in Delhi home delivery of alcoholic beverages is against the law, but you can have beer and wine from departmental stores to be delivered to your home. Confused yet?
You need good teeth to become a motor vehicle inspector
You read it right. That is a pretty weird as well as an interesting laws in India because how can someone’s teeth decide their profession. In a toothy tale, according to this law, among the various physical tests one needs to pass in the process of becoming a motor vehicle inspector in Andhra Pradesh, one is also needed to have good teeth. All aspirants of this job better start the oral hygiene regimen.
The unlucky lottery
The Indian Treasure Trove Act makes for one unfortunate lottery. According to this 1878 law, chancing upon unclaimed money, amounting to more than Rs. 11, on the road and failing to report the same to the local authority might result in prosecution. In a morally compromised world, it makes one wonder if this law is of any importance. Good and interesting laws in India is required.
The flying permit
In another interesting laws in India, the Indian Aircraft Act of 1934 considers a kite to also be an aircraft thus making it necessary to get a permit to fly one. As is apparent, this law has never been followed and should be dealt away with immediately.
Adding to the list of the weird, another clause requires one to have long legs to be eligible to be a pilot. Of course, intelligence and capability are secondary requirements, but all aspirants for the post better have long legs.
Ignoring the beat of a drum might get you fined
This 1949 law made for organizing mass action against locusts demands all residents of Delhi to answer to the beat of drum on the street to drive out the pest. Failure to do so might get one fined or jailed for at least 10 days. How’s that for interesting laws in India?
Kapil Sibal’s Censorship Act
In another attempt at asserting the ideals of the so-called Indian culture, the government, moved by Mr. Kapil Sibal, undertakes the censorship of the content being uploaded on the internet. The government, in 2013, took the initiative to ban all offensive and provocative images from social media sites. It warned social media platforms to comply, failing which the government pledged to take action itself. This impractical move of dictating what should be considered ‘offensive’ and ‘obscene’ was much condemned as it was clearly against the ideals of democracy. Moreover, how such restrictions aid in curbing rape culture remains a mystery.
Indian Telegraph Act, 1885
The Indian Telegraph Act was introduced by the British government in India to curb rebellion. But with the advent of the internet and social media, the use of telegraph and thus, this act has been rendered moot. What such an archaic provision is still doing in the constitution is beyond us. We hope you enjoyed reading about these crazy laws in India as much as we did listing them. If you have any more of such laws to add to the list do comment below.
All these illogical Indian laws and rules leave one with utter shock and make loopholes in law in India. We need the best laws in India to become best.
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