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Company Regulations : CRL-1 | Download Free Templates

Team Lawyered
Team Lawyered
  • Jun 1, 2021
  • 2 min to read
Company Regulations : CRL-1 | Download Free Templates Lawyered

1. What is CRL-1? 

The form is basically to restrict the number of layers in a company. Rule 2(4) of The Companies (restriction on the number of subsidiaries)Rules, 2017 provides that every company other than the company under sub-rule 2, existing on or before the commencement of these rules, which has a number of layers of subsidiaries in excess of the layers specified in sub-rule 1 shall file, with the registrar a return in FORM CRL1 disclosing the details specified therein, within a period of 150 days from the date of publication of these rules in the Official Gazette.

2. Why is it important? 

Rule 2(5) of The Companies (restriction on a number of subsidiaries)Rules, 2017 provides that if any company violates any of these rules then the company and every officer of the company who is responsible for such non-compliance shall be punishable with a fine which may extend up to ten thousand rupees and where the contravention is a continuing one, extend up to one thousand per day after the first during which the contravention continues.

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Team Lawyered
Team Lawyered

Lawyered is a legal tech initiative designed to change the way people interact with and within the legal industry. We believe that access to critical services like legal should be just a click away. Our team is working to bring legal online, making it cost effective, high quality and accessible for all.


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Sophie Asveld

February 14, 2019

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Sophie Asveld

February 14, 2019

Email is a crucial channel in any marketing mix, and never has this been truer than for today’s entrepreneur. Curious what to say.

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